Friday, November 7, 2008

Rush is right. (or: Fall Guys and Girls)

Today I have to admit I have been wrong about Rush Limbaugh. Because today, I heard him say something I think is worth repeating. He said something I would repeat in mixed company - not to mention post here for everyone to see. Here is what he said:
There are people in that campaign trying to save their own skins for the next campaign.
Limbaugh was talking about the Republican campaign staffers who shamelessly stretched credibility this week with some anonymous insights (and other nasty things) about Gov. Sarah Palin, including:
She did not know Africa is a continent;

The Secret Service told aides that after Palin's rallies began, they tracked an uptick in threats against candidate Barack Obama.
Sure, Palin was in no way qualified for the vice presidency, but these claims set off the BS meter. I don't think the Secret Service gives out information to incontinent campaign aides. (Remember? They're the Secret Service.)

What's no secret is Sen. John McCain let his campaign staff run amok. And that led to botched strategy over botched strategy. Many of us breathed a sigh of relief during McCain's concession speech Tuesday. For me, it was double: America picked the right guy; and I got back the John McCain whom I'd registered Republican just to vote for in the 2000 primary.

Marc Ambinder of Atlantic Monthly reported in a blog post a few hours ago that someone is blaming the leaks on the Romney camp. I guess the leakers are looking for another fall guy. I'd bet all that's left in my 401(k) they're wondering whether maybe they went too far. In Washington, it's not whether you win or lose. It's how you lay the blame.

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