Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"The base" twitters

Republican blogger Patrick Ruffini credits Twitter for fueling what he calls Republicans' best grass-roots effort in recent years - an effort to force a House vote on new oil drilling during the August recess. The text-message campaign is called #dontgo.

There has been nothing worthwhile to speak of in recent years that’s emanated solely from the base like this has. It’s worth our time to take a step back and understand what made this success possible.

First, while Reps. Mike Pence and Tom Price provided the spark by starting the House floor revolt, it was the rightosphere (and crucially, the Twitterverse) that poured the gasoline.

Must be tough for such a savvy guy like that to back a candidate who does not own a computer. Meanwhile, here's the last news item I remember to do with text messages on Capitol Hill.

1 comment:

Leigh Belanger said...

I just subscribed added this brilliant blog to my Google reader.