Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why print ads cost more

Call me a dinosaur. I was on the train this morning, and I realized why printed news will always be more powerful than the Internet.

As I rode the Orange Line, I was looking around at my fellow constituents of Massachusetts State Sen. Dianne Wilkerson, who was arrested yesterday on bribe-taking charges, and as I thought about all the people of Jamaica Plain and Roxbury, the magnitude of the news sank in. Sure, the news was 24 hours old. Like everyone else, I had already forwarded it to my friends and talked about it at the water cooler. But this morning, I knew everyone on that train had read the same headline that morning, and seen the same sordid photos (even if only on the Metro.)

As an advertiser, you can't buy that kind of impact on a computer screen.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Start-up Guru hopes his death brings relief (to some)

From the email interview with Guy Kawasaki published today by NY Times blogger Marci Alboher.

Q. What would you like people to say about you when you die?

A. I hope that people say I was a good husband and father. After that, I hope that they say I empowered entrepreneurs to make the world a better place. After that, I hope that some people say that they’re glad I’m gone because they don’t have to worry about me tripping them on the ice.

(Note: That’s a hockey reference from an avid player.)