- McCain listed conflicts he's helped make decisions on. He talked about Kosovo and Somalia, but didn't mention Rwanda at all.
- Obama let McCain get away with being the guy who opposed torture, when at the last minute, with his political future on the line, McCain voted against the bill that would have banned waterboarding.
- When did Henry Kissinger become such a great guy in everyone's estimation?
Saturday, September 27, 2008
These pundits should watch more baseball.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Fannie/Freddie Love Fest reached fever pitch under Clinton
Within the Clinton Administration, Franklin D. Raines, who was Fannie Mae's vice chairman until last year, is now the White House budget chief. The new Commerce Secretary, William M. Daley, is a former Fannie Mae board member. Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin is a close friend of Mr. Johnson's. All three Administration officials say they have taken steps to avoid any conflict of interest.
But critics of the company have raised questions about whether the Administration can be truly unbiased when setting policy that might affect Fannie Mae.
During last year's House banking subcommittee hearings, Representative Richard H. Baker, Republican of Louisiana, pointed to what he said were discrepancies between a draft Treasury Department report on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the final version. He said the report might have been rewritten to tone down a finding that the mortgage markets could function perfectly well without any Government sponsorship.
''I am convinced that, for whatever reason, this report has been rewritten, reaches no conclusions, ignores the changes in the marketplace that have occurred and gives little direction to this subcommittee,'' Mr. Baker thundered at Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers, who defended the Administration's report.
In what some describe as a telling illustration of how Fannie Mae has cultivated favor with the Administration, the company hired Walter Hubbell, a son of Webster L. Hubbell, the former Associate Attorney General who is at the heart of the Whitewater affair. Fannie Mae employed the younger Mr. Hubbell in 1994, after Mr. Johnson and other executives received calls from Administration officials -- including Mickey Kantor, who was then the United States trade representative -- urging them to do so. At the time, the White House had undertaken an effort to help the Hubbell family financially after the senior Mr. Hubbell's resignation from the Justice Department.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Changes to MBTA map
via cascadilla.com
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Felony news reporting in St. Paul, Denver
Baby-grandmama status belies "abstience only" education
Abstinence from sexual activity is the only protection that is 100 percent effective against out-of-wedlock pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS when transmitted sexually. We oppose school-based clinics that provide referrals, counseling, and related services for abortion and contraception.
Mid-East job interviews turn bloody
The National, the new English-language broadsheet in the United Arab Emirates, is seeking a deputy editor for the Personal Finance section for our soon-to-be-launched weekend edition. Experience on a daily is highly important. Editing and assigning experience vital. Anyone interested in working in a growing newspaper market for a quality publication should supply their rsum, along with contact information for three referees. To sample our paper, visit thenational.ae.